What do we think will happen to MP?

The question was asked and I based my answer on if it was a viable division. I based my answer on if it were me buying the company what would I do, both on keeping the the profitable divisions and scaling back/changing or killing the non-profitable divisions. Before I started my own businesses I was a general manager for the largest and second largest corporation in the U.S. in it's industry, of course not at the same time. So I have been on the inside of "big" business to see what's the method to the madness. The largest one was a publicly traded company so I know how share holders think.

I would bet that alot of MP's products are made by aftermarket contractors and not themselves. This is almost required now-a-days to stay competitive on pricing. If it were me, first order of business is cut the fat, expand the profitable divisions and put more happier people back to work. A happy employee will be more dedicated and produce a better product which is good for the consumer. Toyota and Honda didn't get to where they are on accident. Granted those two didn't do it on their own, the big three and their past and present business practices helped. Nothing like helping the competition to be successful.

The new owners are going to have to re-write a few chapters in the book and there will be some sacrifices that have to be made but in the long run when or if the company becomes profitable again the other things can be added back. It is just simple economics, you can't spend what you don't have... well unless your the government, but that is a differnt story.
