Do not ship with ups!!!!

Be leary of the PO also, most packages are run thru an APPS machine, which is nothing but a bunch of conveyors and gates. For the highest possibility of your package getting there in good shape pack the box full of cushioning material. If you eliminate all empty pockets in the box the chance of it caving in is minimal. It is not often for a package to be under numerous heavy items and if the box can collapse it will. I was not in retail, but still had some public interaction. I used to tell people if your package could not support 50 pounds on top of it, better fix it so it can.....wish I could tell you how many packages I seen get demolished over the years because people would ship something and not pack the box full of peanuts/paper or whatever. Whenever we ship something we put enough cushioning material in the box so that it takes both of us to close it, one person leaning on the flaps compressing the cushioning material while the other tapes it shut. If you ship something in a completely stuffed box it will stand a much better chance of getting there safely....