Incandescent to LED rear lights

1 post from Dan is more useful than 90% of the posts I make.

His posts are important in threads like this because........ Future people may search for "LED rear lights".

Information from all sides helps in making an informed decision.

Agreed, very good information some of which never crossed my mind.
And I too believe that all info is better than one side or the other.

One that note, can we finish this conversation to conclusion please.
For my info and other that may get here later on the same train of thought.

I support a 4 person houshold with one income so I don't have a lot of money available for my car but would really like to upgrade my rear lighting to make it more noticable in daytime traffic.
Is there an icandescant replacement bulb I am unaware of that is not too costly and uses the OEM socket and lens but will not put a large drain on the charging circuit (Dim other light or slow my signals down at idle)?
I know 1156 bulbs are brighter than 1157's but other than that anything other than LED's cause a big power drain at idle. (as far as I know anyway).