Does your S/O like your early A-body?

My Girl knew about me working on cars before we got involved. She loves the Darts, the "Red" one much more than the "Blue" one, and insist when she gets out of Nursing school next year that we start looking for a 70 and up model cuda or challenger. (She has expensive taste so I've told her)

She loves them so much, she let me use her truck to go pick up the 74 in san antonio when I bought it, and even rode with me and the puppy (who's name is Cuda) 4 hours to get the car.

Best experience to date is we ran into some unexpected bills and I had to spend some of my own Dog's TPLO surgery money (not Cuda). I told her if I had to I would sell the 74, she damn near cried, and told me she would be extremley upset if I sold the "Red" car, and we need to find another way. Yeah... I'm gonna keep her, she bleeds mopar as much as I do!

Wow, just paid attention to how old this thread is! lol