Does your S/O like your early A-body?

haha my girl loves my 70 swinger. weve been together for 2 years n wen we 1st started datin i had my 96 dakota. man she was pissed wen i sold it, an i now regret it. but shes told me the only way i cud ever get rid of my 70 is if i sold it for $10k (its a beater project worth no where near that) or traded it for a B or E body. i got her into muscle cars. she has a 66 mustang. before you cry foul, her dream car is a plum crazy 70 hemi cuda, which i know is true cuz i took her to a car show an she spotted 1 an has told me numerous times how she cant wait for me to build her one!

expensive taste? maybe, but its good anyway. she loves wen i speak car, an enjoys wen i rattle on forever about what i wanna do with my 70 an what other cars i wanna get.

Nothin better than a cruisin round in my 70 with her sittin in the center of the bench with my arm round her, laughin at tuners n dreamin of the future small block under the hood!