Im stumped, It's missing and ticking.

Well I think I got it!!!
I got another distributer today wnd threw it in when I got home, fired it up and it was still doing it, so when I loosened it up to adjust the timing I grabbed the dist. to turn it and something zapped the **** out of my hand. It turns out that one of the wires in the male/female connector for the dist. was all brittle and frayed right where the plug end is molded around the 2 wires. I found another connector in my box of wires (I grabb every one of those connectors I can find, they used the same ones on the parking lights sometimes too) fixed it and it was running a little better. Then I remembered that I took out the distributer/oild pump gear and moved it two teeth over so I could have some clearance for the vacume advance pot and the back of my intake. I moved it back one tooth and retimed everything and it seems to be running pretty well. Im letting it cool all the way down before I start it again just to make sure.
What gets me is that it was running fine with the gear moved 2 teeth over the problems sorta just snuck up on me with in a couple of weeks.

Thanks for all your help guys, it looks like Im not going to cut the car up....yet.

Oh yeah and the weird sound that Im getting from the front of the motor I think might me the alternator berrings, I hope!