puting a/c in a non a/c 66 valiant HELP !!!

so im in automotive in my high school and next year i am takeing the a/c corse wear i am beaing trained to handle refregreants and i as my teacher if i cold install an a/c unit in my 66 valiant he sayed yes so my questions are
the car 66 plymouth valiant slaint 6
#1 what do i need to put an a/c in my car (list )
#2 price
#3 is tere a stock looking one that i can get (not a huge fan of the under dash a/c unit but if that is what was orignley what the car came with then ill put it in )
#4 wear can i get these parts (junk yard serten company ...?)
i whant to do this >>>>:burnout:with weating in + 30c