I just want to burn and get rid of this stuff

They are/were trophies of the Allied victory over Axis hatred...every race on the planet takes a "trophy" from a victory of war/battle/fight. Burning them eliminates the memory and erases the things that people need to remember and recognize the traits should they approach again!!! FAR too many have already forgotten those atrocities, hell some folks don't even want to remember the 9/11 and are more than willing to accept suggestions of Kiss & make up......I do not think so!!! its too easy for those who did not serve and did not see the carnage to become complacent and accepting and embrace the diversity....crapola!!!

EXACTLY! We need OBLs head as a trophy if you ask me. I hope thatevil bastard is rotting in hell. There is a special place there for "people" like him and Hitler.