Panic & Anxiety Attacks

LH23, your story is very familiar to me. Start lifting weights, working out what ever you want to call it. Trust me it works. You dont have to go balls to the wall, start light, 25 reps per movement and keep it up, you will get stronger and those hormones that dominate your body will slowly be beaten into submission and crowded out by testosterone and all the other feel good juices being suppressed.

I strongly agree with this! for me it's riding my bicycle, your body naturally produces endorphins when you exercise which are 10 time more powerful than any drug, and can even be more addictive than ****** which is why some people get addicted to running or lifting weights, fortunately these are all good for you, for the most part what the endorphins do is stabilize your moods and give you a very strong feeling of well being, the added advantage is the exercise also get's you into shape, helps you loose weight and makes you live longer, all of which make you a happier person