Panic & Anxiety Attacks

I started off about 5 yrs. ago having a couple a year,I hate going to a doctor so i let it go, Well 2 yrs. ago my wife was found to have 3 brain tumors after surgey at shands hospital,she is now partley paralized blind in one eye and deaf in one ear,She had a good paying job but no-benafits, she now only gets under a grand a month on disabilty, I do drywall which has all but stoped here because of the ecomonoy,I;ve been having them alot mine come at night hard to explain like all the hairs all my body stand up,can't stand to be still it's werid like you can't stand yourself, I finally went to the doctor last week they gave me prozac which has not helped me abit, now waiting on bloodwork results,I sleep about an hour a night and hate to even see night come,For the fear of an attack