Panic & Anxiety Attacks

I sleep about an hour a night and hate to even see night come,For the fear of an attack
I can relate to this, dread the thought of going to bed most nights, which just helps trigger them....I wish you all the best in dealing with this....

Dammit this seems to be popular. I wonder if it's reltaed to the food intake somehow? You know, they've said that about childhood ADD and ADHD. I'm sure that's not all it could cause.
Been seeing a head doc for going on 15 years or so now. From what I remember when we talked about this it is quite possible. Problem with a lot of mental issues is the symptoms cross over. Alot of the add/adhd markers are shared by bi-polar folks. Some of the things I have read from other posts here kind of signal bi-polar tendencies in some of you folks.....