I'm Going to be a ( I'm too young)

Congratulations to you and your son - and his GF. My wife and I had twins on her 2nd pregnancy, and while it was a lot of work having two at a time, it's also been quite a ride! The boys are now 12 and getting done with their 6th grade year. Looking at how we made it through, it was a lot of changing two diapers at the same time, getting two bottles ready at the same time, getting two kids through baths and dressed at the same time, but it also means that when visiting with family, there are two babies for everyone to hold and play with. We were never without help when we were visiting with family. However, that made it so that both of the boys were wanting to be held after a family gathering, and with an older brother also running around, that always didn't happen, but with the twins, they always had each other to play with. We didn't often run into one always taking something away from the other - it happened occasionally, but my wife would always try to teach them to not take it from the other and to share. However, if a toy was on the floor, it was fair game for the other one!
Anyway, while our twins were concidered identical twins - they shared the same placenta - and they look very much alike, the differences in their personalities have really become more apparent as they have grown older. One is more outgoing than the other, but they have very much the same tastes in TV shows, books to read for school, etc. They however have different opinions as to what their favorite foods are and their aptitudes in school are not exactly the same - though close.
We always had them in different cribs, but in the same room, and they graduated to bunk beds from the cribs. The bunk beds were at first not stacked, but as they got older, we stacked their beds to give them more floor space in their room.
It's been an adventure. My wife and I are always known as the twins mom or dad when we go on field trips. My boys however are quick to tell anyone which twin they are - they don't like being called the name of the other, so their identities are very well set. They do put up with people getting mixed up though knowing they do look alike.
My wife is a twin, so we kinda (at least she did) of what to expect but it's always different being the parent.