Victoria Got Struck by Lightening!!!

Hope everyone and Victoria is ok. Me and a friend were in his 70 Impala, driving through Eastern Wa. in a thunderstorm. Suddenly a huge flash, and boom, and the car shuddered and started missing out and backfiring.

We pulled to the side of the road, and the car ran normal again, but there was a nasty smell of burned wax and hot metal and grease.

We made it home that night and looked at the car the next morning.

The lightning bolt had hit the hood ornament, melted it and you could trace the whole route the bolt took through the car.

Through the hood ornament, through the hood and to the right hood hinge, the bolts were melted, down the inner fender seam to the body mount and through the lower control arm, the grease boot was melted and there was burned grease that had boiled out, and then out the grease zirc, it was melted, then probably out to ground from there.

It was freaky