NotchBack- Coupe & HardTop??? Please help

I ordered a WS303 from Year One stating "Rear window gasket for 1968-1969 Barracuda notchback models".
When the glass guy comes over to install it, it wont fit. It wouldnt fit in the openeing and when he tried it on the glass, it was too tight on the top and too long on the bottom. The glass guy checks his sources via blackberry and sees that there is a Barracuda Coup measurement of 38" x 52" and a Hard top measurement of 26" x 52". The first number being the top to bottom measurement
I apparently have a 1969 hard top as it has roll down quarterglass windows. Year One says i have the correct gasket even when i have told them that it doesnt fit and that there are differences in measurements.

Has anyone run into this issue before? I'm at a loss and dont know who or what to believe. Please help. Its the only thing holding me up from driving my 8 year restoration. Thanks much.