Little bit of a rant about Mopar heads...

I've said this for years but no one listened to me.
Everyone said I was exaggerating and all the 100's they've pulled weren't cracked...

Even if they don't get into water, it's still a crack.

The mag heads and 308 heads dont flow more than the old 2.02 J, the exhaust port looks better and can give a lil better lower lift numbers, but after that they all have the potential limit of around 200-210 cfm exh flow.

I have 974 heads with the bosses below the ex port 'untapped' 1974 heads.
I also have a set of 302's both check good, I always scrape certain areas of them in the yard to look for the visible cracks before even taking them home.

I still have not seen or met anyone who can get more than around 255cfm out of a ported factory magnum head, I dont even bother myself with them....meanwhile I get 280's with Jheads....
Hughes turns them qoute ''we wont port factory magnum heads anymore, we will sell you iron rams or rhs due to the problems with poor casting, even after they check out good..they have cracked down the road where porting made them even thinner in crucial areas''