Any more "frankenstien" A bodies out there? (Varts, Daliants, etc.)

here's a quick paste-together of the two facing pages in the '70 South African Valiant brochure. It's not perfect, because the scans aren't perfect, but it gives a fairly good idea of what a '70 A-body wagon with '70 Dart front sheetmetal looks like:

Mike R's '63-'66 Valcuda is here

Doug D's '64 Dacuda is here.

I've always thought a '67-'69 Baccaruda front clip would look especially good on an Australian VE Valiant sedan or wagon, badged up front to rear as a Barracuda. The VE Valiant's Baccaruda-lookin' taillamps would make the overall package believable:

The front fenders would have to be reworked to line up and match the body lines, but if the job were done very neatly, perhaps a certain self-proclaimed GGuru would issue a pronouncement about when and where it was built. :twisted:
a swinger wagon would be awesome