Early 60's to Mid 70's Racing Classes ( "stock" body )

Thank you ocdart and sscuda for your replies and links :thumbup:.

I knew that there were power-to-weight ratios involved ; where it gets confusing for me is in regard to engine setback , interior , and aspiration ( Blown or N.A. ) .

The LO23M8B Dart certainly was intended for and directed to SS/A , SS/AA , SS/B and SS/BA classes . I wasn't aware that their interiors were premium line ( GT / GTS ) ; I thought they were of medium line
(270 model) derivatives .
I was prepared to build it as a GTS with a Hemi swap ( henceforth , the assumption that it'd fit into the MP class ).
Thanks for clarifying this for me :thumbup:.

*I'm still confused about the "H" suffix for the '68 H-H cars (SS/H , SS/AH ) ; what does this mean ?*

By the way : I highly recommend the new R-M '68 Dart GTS / SS kit !
In typical R-M tradition ( at least since the early-mid 90's and later ) , it's detailled as heck ; decals for everything ; minimal prep / massaging of the parts ( is this tooling really 15+ years old now ?!? It dates-back to the original '69 Dart GTS 383 from c.1994 ! ) ; and it looks great when finished :thumbup:

Thanks again , guys !
I'm looking forward to reading more replies :toothy1: