Parts needed for Victoria

Sorry about Vicky's mishap. The wiring harnesses are all different from '64-6. They can be spliced and/or modified to work but they won't just bolt in. Is the dash harness still good? You may want to follow the path of the lightning to see what all might have been damaged. If it hit the outer skin of the car and went to ground, it could have welded wheel/axle bearings or took an odd route through the car. I should have most of the parts you need (including the certicard holder) if the others don't work out.
Thanks, Mark

I rolled her down the hill and started here up to go look why our power was out and when she started she smoked and cought on fire I have a big safty shut off swiths that was off when she got hit

The card holder would be all I have on my need list :hello2:
pm on it's way cudamark :bounce: Looks like 64dart170 is closer and has a wire harness for Victoria !!