Parts needed for Victoria

Mike,sorry my harness didnt work out for ya.Looks like you,ve found what you need.Good luck with Victoria.:love10:
Thank you my Canadian brother :happy2: but as you can see I have another parts member and friend close by that has fixed me up :happy2:
You have out dun your self helping me with Victoria and have always been there for me, Victoria will be back on the road soon :love10:

Mike I went through my parts and I don't seem to have anything you need. I have a coil but you have took care of that. I will watch this thread in case something pops up you need that I might have.
Thank you millin :thumleft: Looks like I have everything :thumleft:
I will keep everyone posted in my restoration thread to get her back on the road. I am going to spray the lightning hit with clear coat :thumbup: