71 demon racecar for sale or trade

Says his join date is 2009 you must be new to not know that it says that right below his name.

Hey! Ya got me on that one. lol

Everyone here that's been around for awhile knows we are not allowed to post personal contact info in a for sale thread (ie e-mail addy and phone # ). A mod removed the op's phone number from the ad and even adds a post ( #16 if you want to go back and look at it ) stating no phone #. Then the op adds his phone number again - which is basically saying screw you I'll do what I want. I just don't get it. Maybe I'm a little (or alot) thick in the head.

Anyways, from the 2 pics (need more) and the description it's one heck of a deal at that price. You couldn't build that car for double the price. I'm surprised that it didn't sell within an hour of posting. And if it wasn't for the fact that I want a '70 or '71 Charger, I'd be damn tempted to park it here beside my Demon and have to flip a coin everytime I wanted to take one out to play.
