Just bought this what do you think ?

Damn guys can't you stop picking everything apart? I think it is a sweet ride and if the owner is happy so am I! Like the man said BE NICE IT IS JUST A JOB. Be happy for someones find.

He hasnt even bought it yet and hes looking for pickers...ie. constructive critisism(sp) If I were to buy it and had the time and money. I would:
1..change the dash pad to a correct style in the same color.
2. Rallyes
3. Commando valve covers (you can sell those ugly Cal Customs to me :-))
4. Steering wheel
Thats about it! Thats a very nice looking car. 14K could buy a nice car, 6K car and 8K worth of work could net you the same price tag but it would all be your level of perfection.