Anyone tired of this ???

The ads are good..sometimes...recommends from here better..

We grew up lower , middle money but had three squares a day and we were pushed. We had cars but there were to go from a to b. Mechanics were not pushed but scouts, music, voluntairing and I dragged my *** through school with loans and ended up with a business degree...then unimployed.. Mom and dad told me that if I wanted something, I probably would have to do it myself..oddly enough, my future wife had the same lectures.. I had no mechanical ability.

My first car play car ( I had a 12 year old '71 datsun 510 as my 'real" car) had holes big enough that I could throw cats through..due to my accident I had to sell it 29 years later..that car took me lots of places....good times were had but it didn't look "perfect" but got it's share of looks (and girls :>). Got married, after 7 years relized that the only way we ever could afford a home was to build it..we took a 10 week, 2 hours a night, communicity collage course and read a bunch of books and did research....we build 90% of the house ..not foundation nor has a 12, 12 pitch..I hate hights..neither my wife nor I had really built anything before...we bought the duster for the kids..rust free thank goodness...raining so hard here now we cannot do anything...I have a girly,girl and an athlete that have never done a rebuild before. I cannot do too much because of my dissability. If "****" really happens, we can seek help but they will be doing that majority of work..if they want it, they will have to work for it.

I mention this because of the mechanical skills comment..not sure if I have them but I truly believe that if you do some research, stick your head down and push forward , ask questions....even dumb (and endure the ridicule as a newbie does) ones as members here have witnessed, and want to do it, it may not happen over night but it will get done..maybe not perfect the first time but better with practice...I have Organic Lawn care co was an absolute flop...the market research was wrong...

We live in an area that is beyond our income but we push, learn and do....and when we look back, we are proud no matter what some folks say..

Ability is learned as long as able bodied, I guess.

I appologize for my passion but to achieve and appreciate you gotta do it yourself. Lastly, if I really wanted to and we changed our priorities (hoping to retire within 5 years) I could go out a blow 35,000 on a car for the kids...however...we were driving to do chinise last night after my two kids recent sport / dance achievements and we drove by a dealership that sold muscle cars and said...let's sell the duster and buy ya that..."no" was out of their mouth before I had a chance to finish.."anyone can buy a car...ours will be ours".

I don't mind being flamed but I see so many kids w/o a work ethic and an air of entitlement...I worry about of future generations..

Oh, and being long winded as well :)
