our troops in action! GOD bless them please

stupidasso said
Actually, as a Hate Bush, love america, faught in the first gulf war and was awarded the Bronze Star person, I find your comment offensive betty. Anyone here actually ever killed anyone? these poor guys will be living with demons for the rest of their lives so that king george can have his crusade. Makes me fuckin sick.
Stupidasso, please don't take this personally but I have read Betty's post over and over and I can't find one thing that was in the post that anyone would find offensive other than seeing several insurrgents planting weapons or IEDs that could be used to kill our brothers and sisters in arms. I am glad we are there and not here and I pray that the day never comes, but I am almost positive it will sometime in the future, when these battles will be fought on our own soil, then let's see which countries will be willing to stick out a helping hand for us. Until then I guess all Liberals can continue to live their pipe dream of safety. Maybe the 15 to 20 million illegal aliens here will be willing to fight for us. I apologize if I have stepped on anyone's toes but I just felt that I needed to get this off of my chest and I promise I will not make any further comments on this, and yes, I have a Son and Daughter in Law both serving their country in Iraq and they beleive in their purpose of being there and I am extremely proud of both of them and all other soldiers who are laying their lives on the line every day.
Thank you so much for your service to this wonderful country of ours and congratulations on your Bronze Star.