our troops in action! GOD bless them please

stupidasso said
Hi X,
I appreciate the kind words.
the quote "NOT FOR KIDS! turn on your sound. also, this is not for the hate Bush, hate America, love the enemy crowd." is used by right wing talk radio hosts and the Ann Coultour types and Bush, to label anyone who questions this war, the right for our government to torture, and the removal of Habius Corpus as persons who are un-patriotic or "love the enemy crowd". For the record. If anyone invaded my country, and attempted to impose their way of life on me. I'd be on a roadside with what ever I had to kick them out. The problem here is that these are our troops, that are coming back with not only physical wounds of missing limbs, etc.. but they are scarred for life. No one thinks of that. people think it's cool to watch people killing people, and in this country if you don't feel that way, you're labeled as a pussy, a friend of the enemy. That's what I find offensive. What I find more offensive is how I have to respond to something like this and explain my background to be taken seriously.

- Stu

Then like it said, Don't watch! Amazing how your name fits.

Your write the most ignorant sounding posts, only the insurgants don't want us there. If the Iragi government and people said leave, we would.

Did you know that the population of Irag is hundred of thousands less now than it was when the war started? do you know were most of these people are? the United States. Why, because they like the freedom of choice, the safety of walking down the street, the oppurtunity to keep their posessions instead of a dictator taking it. The US has asked them to go back and help rebuild their country but are afraid, I don't blame them.

If you don't like the President, that's your right, but don't ever defend the animal scum that is killing troops or people trying to liberate people from the tirany of an evil dictator or government. All we hear is how many US troops that have been lost. The Iragi people have lost over 10 times more than we have. These evil bastards kill anyone that even thinks about freedom, woman, children, people going to work in a highrise, people flying on a plane somewere, children in a daycare playing. Your right we are the bad guys, those road side bombs only kill US troops they wouldn't kill a family if or when it was driving by.

We will never win this war because of thinking by people like you. These evil bastards don't play by rules but because of people like you and the media we have to. We cannot win a war against these bastard unless we play by their rules, which is none.

Moving on,