our troops in action! GOD bless them please

stupidasso said
Hi X,
I appreciate the kind words.
the quote "NOT FOR KIDS! turn on your sound. also, this is not for the hate Bush, hate America, love the enemy crowd." is used by right wing talk radio hosts and the Ann Coultour types and Bush, to label anyone who questions this war, the right for our government to torture, and the removal of Habius Corpus as persons who are un-patriotic or "love the enemy crowd". For the record. If anyone invaded my country, and attempted to impose their way of life on me. I'd be on a roadside with what ever I had to kick them out. The problem here is that these are our troops, that are coming back with not only physical wounds of missing limbs, etc.. but they are scarred for life. No one thinks of that. people think it's cool to watch people killing people, and in this country if you don't feel that way, you're labeled as a pussy, a friend of the enemy. That's what I find offensive. What I find more offensive is how I have to respond to something like this and explain my background to be taken seriously.

- Stu
Well said