My Duster a chick magnet?Ran in to my dream girl? Kind of... Well...Chevy girl - LONG

oh gawd!!
... funny movie but please don't use those lines!
you're sweet on this girl, .. so tell her you think she's cute and ask her if she'd like to go out with you. have a date planned ahead,.. no movies, no dancing, no big party with freinds. go someplace where you have the chance to learn about each other without outside influences. having lunch was a good idea, hell just goin for coffee works. knock her out by being yourself. good luck man!

Take notes from "the Ladies Man"

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Here's another good line:

So, you doin' there, sweet thing? Uh, say, is your father a meat burglar?

Stephanie: No. Why do you ask?

Leon: 'Cause, uh, he must've stolen two mighty fine hams and put 'em down the back of your pants!