My Duster a chick magnet?Ran in to my dream girl? Kind of... Well...Chevy girl - LONG

So you never had the parts to ask her out! I'm sorry bud, but you made the story sound like it was going somewhere. You know that right after you left, a Mustang guy had the nuts and bolts to ask her out. I had just smashed my Challenger up when I met a very cool chick. But I bit the bullett and asked her out. Picked her up in my 74 Chally. Smashed in door, fender, and no freekin' hood on the car. Pitbull in the back seat. Had to jump over the console to get in. Took her to the stripper bar. Anyways, use your imagination Junior. And she is a classy woman to boot. Got my Chally out of the bodyshop, and used it for our WEDDING. We also have 2 kids and a nice life together. That would not have happened if I WALKED AWAY WITH MY WRENCH IN MY HAND. My point is, if a jerk off like me can meet a good woman, SO CAN YOU. I DEMAND THAT YOU GROW A SET, AND GO BACK THERE. ASK HER OUT. STRIPPER BAR IS OPTIONAL!!!!!!!