
Life happens. I find there's generally three types of people in the car world:
1. The ones that enjoy everything about it. They drive primered, slow, never finished cars everywhere. They put shoe polish messages on the windows at car shows. They are excited by the oddest litttle details on another's car. They generally do not have the where-with-all to finish things, whether it be money or time or knowledge, but come hell or high water, they drive 'em and would prefer to be buried in them.
2. The mid level hobbyists who love them, have a little money, drive cars they have the where-with-all to fix up, improve over time, and maintain. They are by far the most common. they pick and choose the shows to go to, horse trade for bits here and there, and generally have a different newer car to drive every day. The old car is for fun when it can be, not basic transportation. They will go on cruises even when it rains, park the car in public lots, and do their best to have the car perform and appear "presentable".
3. The Platinum Certified owners. They would rather not have a car out unless it's completed, and may only trailer it to shows. They like to stand next to cars an pick out the parts that are not correct, or not "en vogue". They tell you what they have "into it" as if it mattered to you, and generally know the basics but realy prefer to write checks and have it taken care of. Their cars are spectacular in every way, and they follow Barrett-Jackson. They have no issues with finances so they can pick and choose any event, including buying an enclosed trailer to go to Indy with because the car's safer that way.

The only person who has to enjoy your car is you. Be it racing, parked, rotting, or driving. If just owning it brings you joy, good for you! Life happens, and your time 9and the cars) will come. In the meantime, enjoy it in any way you have to "for now".

I'm a mixture of the first two:

They generally do not have the where-with-all to finish things, whether it be money or time or knowledge, but come hell or high water, they drive 'em and would prefer to be buried in them.

they pick and choose the shows to go to, horse trade for bits here and there. They will go on cruises even when it rains, park the car in public lots and do their best to have the car perform and appear "presentable".


To the OP I've had many of the same problems. I've owned so many old muscle cars over the years and most were projects that never got anywhere and had to be sold when money became scarce. It always seemed that my friends got all the breaks. They were born to rich parents or inherited good amounts of money and are never left wanting whereas I was born to very poor parents, one who is on the other side of the country using drugs, the other barely scraping by but who I love dearly.

Just this year though I finally decided to bite the bullet and do something really stupid, technically I borrowed the money and got my Dart in return. This Dart has many small problems and threw my savings into fixing this and that to get the Dart good enough to drive and yet I still have problems I need to fix here and there. The funny thing is I told myself I wanted a car that I would actually want to spend money to wash more than once a year and take to car shows.

I too would love to have a big block powerful MOPAR that I could be proud of, something to scare myself in going so fast. Even just building up a small block for my Dart seems like a dream as I go over the costs.

One thing I have going for me is my age, I am only 28. I have no children anymore and currently no woman with her claws sunk into me anymore. All my money can go towards the few bills and my car.

Funny thing is for me I'd prefer to have a car that is somewhat powerful and in grey primer rather than the car I have now.