
I have done a lot of thing that I never would have thought I could do. I made my own floor pans and welded them in and made the four speed hump for my car also. They look like **** and are welded together with bubble gum welds, but I did it myself. It took me two years to just accomplish that and then the engine develop its problems, it is all so disheartening. I take one step forward and get knocked back ten, it is very tiring. I try hard every day to not give up and just sell everything, and then I see my wife drive her 64, that I have poured a lot of time into and the smile on her face when she drives it and I find the strength to carry on. Things have been just so damn pain in the a** for the past couple of years, that it is hard to get motivated to try, when there is nothing there to work with. I have tried selling stuff, but nothing has sold and when it does we have had to put the money into something else not car related. My poor car has been on the back burner for so long I have lost track of how long. I am just going through a rough period in my life and having trouble finding meaning in anything. I won't give up and refuse to stop trying, I am just tired, very tired.......not enough hours at work, lack of second job opportunities, wife out of work, roof leaking on the house, kitchen foundation needing to be redone.....etc....it all has become a bit overwhelming....and I really don't have anyone to turn to get all of this frustration out.....so I thought I would dump it here...as you all have become my extended family.....thanks for listening...thanks for the support....