
I have read your thread and had to stop and make sure i did not write it,i myself have the same issues 52 years old, no savings,house needs some work,beatup truck, 73 charger in pieces, 66 cuda that has issues,a dog with health problems,unemployed ole lady.I have been working since i was 16 taking care of family since 19 i'm beyond tired but i just keep going i won't quit[even tho i want to]i keep the hope that someday i'll have my cuda fixed up, don't dwell on how bad off you are focus on how you can make life better, i'm not unhappy with life just the bad choices i have made that have put me in this position, i have come to terms with my wanting a nice car [i'm not suppose to have one] i'm too tired to work extra hard to make mine nice, besides if i did something else would crap out and it goes to the back burner again sooooooooooooo.I have decided my car is unique as it is so leave it alone,keep the house livable,try to smile often and take what life gives me and be as happy as possible screw what any one else thinks about my car ,house ect.I one of the threads they broke it into catagories i'm between 1 and 2. Good luck to you keep your chin up.