
Believe me you are not alone. We all have our "down in the dumps" time. I have more projects to do than I have time or money. Raised 3 girls one still at home, now have one back at home with child, don't get me wrong I like having them around, but it is taxing at times. I too have vehicle repairs, house repairs, and a business to run that is becoming tougher by the day as the economy really stinks. It's all what we are dealt. I too am trying to build my car on the cheap and I hear it all the time, you don't want that carb, I wouldn't do it that way etc., well I'm really proud of what I have accomplished with my car over the last 12 months and will continue my quest as time and finances allow. I just keep chugging along making improvements where I can, with everything. It's all perspective I guess, if we dwell on it it only keeps us down. I look at it this way, there is always someone out there that has it way worse than me.