1966 Barracuda radiator shroud / cooling questions

Plus: Directed air flow for better cooling
Minus: Weight, Cost, Something else to work around, May mask an underlying cooling problem.

Rigid Fan
Plus: Pulls air all the time, simple and reliable
Minus: Noisier than other fans, Takes more horsepower to run

Clutch fan
Plus: Fan only works when needed, Quieter than a rigid fan, Uses less horsepower to run
Minus: Cost, Clutch needs replacing periodically, Clutch failure can cause lots of damage.

Flex fan
Plus: Pulls lots of air at low RPM, Light weight and takes less HP than a rigid fan
Minus: Metal fatigue can cause it to shed blades into radiator or through hood, Some designs are noisy

Add-on Electric Fan
Plus: Added cooling whenever you need it
Minus: Cost, Installation clearence, Noisy, Size and design important for proper operation, Some setups block too much air at higher speeds, Draws lots of electricity so, at idle, many cars' charging systems are actually discharging which causes the lights to be dim at night and can effect some electronic ignition systems.

My own choice? I use rigid blades (the more blades the better) on all my non-A/C vehicles and clutch fans on the A/C cars......just like the factory did. I also use shrouds on everything.