towing opinions on car dolly

"Oohh look! BBQ racers, the cafe crashing motorcycle gang!"

I say as I go thundering by on my Buell with 51,000 miles LOL'ing because I don't have to stop every ten miles to talk about riding and walk around in my chaps like I just got off a swayback draft horse with a limp.....


You're a asshole!

Some of those guys drove 1500 miles in one day to get to Maggie Valley NC for the Rockets Across America meet. I bet you never even thought about driving that far in one day much less doing it. We're not the stupid Harley crowd you're referring to.

I know I could out ride you and your little Buell without even trying hard. My bike has 6.3 gallon tank ... while you're stopped at the filling station I'm eating up miles.
