Which would be more fun, a 904 w/a 3000 stall or a 5 speed?

I will tell you from experience, the 5 speed in the trucks don't shift very fast. It may be mine and age of the transmission, but the diesel guys back it up as well. It is just not a very fast reacting trans. When I stand on it in my truck, there is no 2nd gear chirp, cause the trans takes it time to unload first before I can head towards 2nd, and RPMs drop.
In my application, 2nd and 3rd gear syncros are aged pretty heavy, and this might contribute a bit to the aforementioned condition, and I have gone to full synthetic in an effort to help. It helps, but for lack of better terms, it just feels like 1st gear stays loaded for a second (even with the clutch in), before it unloads enough to allow you to pull the shifter out of 1st gear.