My Duster a chick magnet?Ran in to my dream girl? Kind of... Well...Chevy girl - LONG


So... I had some stuff to take care of today after work that just so happened to put me in the neighbor hood of Lowes.

I jam down the highway trying to form a plan. Trying to figure out what to say and what to do. I have been trying to remember her name for a week.... Something... Something Ann... Not Mary Ann but close.

I park and walk inside and calmly and nonchalantly eye up the registers to see if I can spot her. I cruise past small automtove/vehicle aisle? I spoted some 3/8" US made chain that I wouldn't mind having. Alright Alright I have to stay focused. I am on a mission... to get a phone #.

I take a deep breath and head for the contractors check out where I saw her last time. She was there. Had her back to me... she was cleaning her area. Alright easy enough.

My plan was to walk up and say, "Hi, My name is Dan I spoke to you last week." If she remembered me I was going to tell her more or less that I was really impressed with the conversation we had and would like to get to know her over lunch some time. Pretty much what was suggested here.

Before I could get very close to her some dude on a fork truck comes in the door with a pallet of stuff. She starts helping him with something.

Ok... Now I have to stall she is busy. I turn around and go back to get that chain thinking that I would make out like a bandit. Killer US made 3/8" chain to keep in my truck and a cute blondes phone #.

She is about as tall as I am. Which is about 6'. This is important for what happens next.

So I am carrying the chain (its in a sealed bag that weighs about 40lbs) like a chump back down to the contractors check out. I dont care, I am going to do this. What is the worst that can happen right?

I round the corner and can kind of see she is talking to 2 or 3 people. I keep moving. Obviously other employees because of the vests. Fork truck is parked right next to them. Ok ok, no problem. I work in a machine shop and deal with dick heads daily.

I pretty much walk right up to them when I realize that on the other side of her is a mostly bald guy older guy wearing a bright green (neon?) contractors safety shirt. Not only is he all of 4'8" tall - he has his short furry arms wrapped around her middle section giving her a HUGE hug. He could have taken a nap the way he had his head buried in that lowes vest.

She was smiling from ear to ear and laughing while the other two Lowes guys stared at the guy clearly getting boobage in the store. I pretty much dropped the chain and started laughing uncontrollably because this is pretty much what I walked up on..

yeah... she is not my dream girl any more...:wack: