72 duster Build progress

Wow! you are giving me the courage to do my panels myself. I will be following your thread and looking forward to the finished product.

It can be overwhelming when you find yourself sitting there staring at it....but if you have decent knowledge and most of the right tools....you can pull it off at home.

I have a good portion of the metal work done but it can still get overwhelming when I think of what I have left to do....but I still find myself heading out the the garage and getting things done and the more I get done....the smaller the list of things to do becomes.

I just keep telling myself "once the metal work is done you are in the home stretch of the body work" .

I find myself forcing myself to do ALOT of thing with the duster....I have done almost every single aspect of the build myself with the exception of the windshield install and that was only because I got such a good deal on it and installation was included in the price.

but being that I have limited to no funds to spare on the duster most of the time ....I will only buy new what I HAVE to have (tail panel and quarter panel patches)....otherwise I will buy used and clean it up to my specifications (valve covers and air cleaner for example) or if something is priced to high and I think it is something I can make my own of and get just as good of a result I will do just that (trunk extensions) .

you need to psych yourself up and break down the barrier and once you start moving ...things started going pretty smooth (most of the time lol).

if you decide to take the job on yourself and need some tips just let me know or as one of the other countless members who are good with metal/body work.

I should have the driver side quarter installed in the next day or 2 depending on how much I decide I want to work on it and what not....so stay tuned.