
Kind of funny little story. When I rode constantly the guys from work would go out on "rides" several times a year. They would always post an announcement on the board. And we never went. There idea of riding was either from bar to bar, stopping frequently so they could talk about riding or they would make 200 mile ride into an over-nighter. At the time we had 4 dogs, a bird, I think it was 5 turtles and 3 salt water aquariums to take care of so being gone for any length of time just did not happen. We had the Zuki at the time and they were hounding us to go with them, so we gave in. I convinced them to go thru the real twisty way to get to where they wanted to go. Stopped to get gas at the bottom of the canyon and when we left we were in the fornt of the pack. Ernie was the passenger every bike rider wants, you did not she was there. Anyway, took off into the canyon, and being the only sport bike in the pack distance between up started to open up. Before long we were in our conering rythm and the pack was vanishing. Got to the one stright away between the twisty areas and we hit 155mph, like I said, she was the perfect passenger and you could not tell she was there. I was so focused on the road I kind of forgot that we were riding in a group and never looked back. The following week at work I was asked to never go with them again. Suited us just fine. I am one of those people that enjoy the solitude of a bike. Riding in big packs was never my thing. Some of my best memories of riding were when it was just me and the bike. Nothing wrong with riding in a pack, as long as the ride is about the ride, not about the image of being a rider....