
Riding in big packs was never my thing. Some of my best memories of riding were when it was just me and the bike. Nothing wrong with riding in a pack, as long as the ride is about the ride, not about the image of being a rider....

Know what you mean. The most I have ever rode with are 3 others, my dad, and his 76 superglide, my buddy on his huyabusa, and my other buddy on his 82 Yamaha 650 special. Talk about a diversified group... We did an 800 mile round trip from Big Lake to Big Lake, via Fairbanks, Parks hwy up, Glenn back. Was a blast, and took up 17 hours. (It doesn't get dark here in June)

It is nothing for me to get on my bike at 6am on a cloudy morning, and go to Homer and back (300 mile one way) and be back by 1pm.... By myself, it's just the way I roll, I guess.

Anyway, they parked next to my Honda and one of them made a comment about how dirty it was. I could not help myself, I walked over and looked at this guys bike. It was 4 years old and did not even have 4k miles on it. Only thing I said was at least I ride. The war was on. I never was the best at making friends.

I got crap about how dirty my bike was too, and oily. My rocker covers were always leaking, so the bike always smelled like AMSOIL 20W50 Bike oil burning on the head pipe, then the rocks and grit would stick to it, the dirt roads would grime it, and I would ride it instead of washing it. LOL Had lots of comments, thus the reason I avoided big groups with their chaps, and tassles, and cool guy walks..... BLEAH.

That would be Doug's decision.... so what you think doesn't matter...... it actually never did.

Just as I mentioned........... immature little boy.

Jeez I hate being right...........

Funny story. Dad bought a sidecar harley for my step mom, and it came with some Harley membership BS, blah blah. ANyway, these BBQ racers somehow got ahold of his phone number, and invited them in march, to some thing where they would dress up in their riding gear, chaps and all, and drive their cars to a restaurant, and eat, all biker vagazzled up......

Dad was like, uhmmmm..... WHy would I do that?

Dad later decided he was going, so him and Lynn dressed up in winter gear, and rode the sidecar down the the restaurant to the biker gang vagazzle thing... They wouldn't even speak to my dad.


LIke I said a long time ago in another thread.......

As I go thundering by on my Buell....... hahahahaha

Not to mention if some dillbag wanted to ride next to me in MY lane, he is going to get a kick in the leg........