
Ever think about a quad ??

'bout 160 hp...............


That's pretty neat quad.

I wonder what happens if it rains. There has to be four rooster tails coming off those tire. :oops:

For Motorcycles Only? :D

Doug, I'm working on a little project for the bike right now. It should be done tomorrow and I'll post a couple pics for ya. I think you'll like it. 8-)


Did someone say motorcycles.... Here's a pic of my current ride. It's actually my daily driver because I sold my truck due to gas prices. I've had a few fast bikes but this beast tries to dislocate my shoulders... Lol

That's a very nice motorcycle.

I'm with the rest of you, I don't generally ride in a group more of a solo act. The vast majority of the people i've met that ride rockets are blithering idiots. Passing in a 2 lane in between on coming traffic on a road barely wide enough for 2 cars let alone 2 cars and a bike sandwiched in the middle.

I never tried that kind of stunts when I had my ZX-10R even though I thought about it. Trying to get home to use the bathroom is a great motivator! LOL