Project- Bills Buggy

So... I have said it before, and I will now say it again.. I LOVE THIS SITE!! .. lol.. I have never regretted for 1 day joining this FABO family. The info I have gotten here and the people I have made friends with have meant more to me than I can say. So this update on project black and blue (formally known as project bills buggy lol), is not only an update but a good guys alert as well.. As everyone knows window rubbers are impossible to find now for our a-bodies due to national backorder, blah blah... I have had all kinds of issues with the back (everyones familiar with the Steele Rubber debacle.. if not back up and review or search for my other posts on that) .. I want to thank everyone for their input, words of advice and encouragement during this period where I had become convinced the buggy simply wasnt gonna get done this summer due to not being able to put the rear glass in...

Two members in particular went above and beyond for me and I want them to be recognized.. Snake and Challenger .. I want to thank you both for your help.. Challenger PM'd me out of the blue to let me know he had an original rubber and would just ship it to me to see if it worked.. if it did, great we would work out the price, and if it didnt, just send it back.. I was floored that someone that didnt know me would just send me something.. but sure enough 2 days later the box was at my doorstep... The rubber was in perfect shape, and I am happy to report that buggy again has rear glass!!

This site has been a godsend, and the people in it totally rock.. thanks guys.. Project Black And Blue can now continue.. stay tuned folks...