Kyle Busch - 128mph In A 45mph Zone

According to the North Carolina DMV handbook, a driver's license "will be revoked for at least 30 days" if a driver is convicted of driving any vehicle more than 15mph over the speed limit.

WOW!! I moved here in 2007 and I have to admit it..... I have had 5 speeding tickets. All of them dismissed. Four of em were in the Duster on I-95 and I was speeding but my speedometer was reading 70 -75 even though I was clocked at 84. I had wide tires on my car which caused my speedometer to read incorrectly. The other was in my work truck. All of these tickets I ended up getting out of. In fact the trooper who clocked me @84 MPH told me how to beat the ticket!!!! YEE HA!!