Pro touring 69 Dart

This confuses me too because Tony told me no way on the 7000 series bags up front. I am actually doing 1000 series all around, per his recommendation. I too have a feeling you have the wrong bag up front, should definitely be the convoluted like momoparman is showing. I'm also surprised that you are not impressed with ride and handling. RideTech beats the snot out of their cars on the autocross and the stick! I wonder if that has to do with the fact it's the wrong bag. It's also a linear rate bag which "may" contribute to the ride quality, he convoluted is a progressive rate bag. Everything I've read on other forums is the ride quality is unmatched with air.

If you purchased the AirRide stuff before the RMS, I think that explains it. You don't need a 1000 series bag if you are also running torsion bars, which I assume you were at the time (you know what happens when you assume). Now that you have changed over to RMS, this bag is doing the heavy lifting and is not right bag for that.

I would connect with Tony. He's been awesome for me so far! Looking forward to hearing how you get it worked out.