well its never happened to me till now

PS for those of you that are "creped out" by someone dying in a car...... grow up! people die every day in ambulances in stores & restaurants pretty mcuh everywhere you can think of someone has died there...BIG deal! THe only real issue is getting rid of the source of the stink...when someone dies all of thier body "relaxes" hence they piss and **** all over the place it just comes out....Rotting takes weeks not days so the most this guy is dealing with is the stink of **** & piss which in humans can be eradicated.
NOW skunks spray and cat piss is a whole different animal (no pun) skunk oil is almost impossible to get rid of as is cat piss.....if you get either of them into your car and they do their business...just burn the car and collect insurance, cuz that smell is never coning out, even if you replace EVERYTHING you will still smell it......been there done that, no use!