Kyle Busch - 128mph In A 45mph Zone

This is funny...... Lots of folks on here have a car that are quick, fast or VERY quick and fast. And most have taken there car up in the 3 digit area,,, on the street. And Most as have I, have been in a area where it was open and straight, with no chance to harm anyone but myself. AND as most of the rural roads are around here are... the speed limit is 45 mph. I have taken the boys two wheel rockets up to 120 and back down in less than a 1/2 mile .... I sure they can do it faster, I'm a chicken.
If this SUPER car he was in, is all that super, he could have taken it up to 128 in a matter of seconds and back down in less time. I would like to see where this took place and how long he was driving at that speed before I called him out on it. Because I would be just as guilty.