Home schooling

Please keep in mind I am not a parent, I do have a daughter but she is a step daughter and was getting out of hs when I met my wife/her Mom. I have a neighbor that home schools, and frankly I do not really understand it. These kids are home with there Mom and her sister (Mom has an illness and the sister is there to help her out). Where will these kids learn to socialize? To a point, home schooling is sort of the ultimate in sheltering is it not? My parents kind of let me do what I wanted in regards to school functions. Which means I did not go on the class trips, never took place in field day or any of the other activities as a youngster. I ended up in therapy at the ripe old age of 15 or so because of my inability to deal with others. Granted, as an adult I was diagnosed with bi-polar, paranoia and a host of other mental troubles. A former co-worker home schooled, largely just because they did not want there kids being influenced by others. When his girls finally got out from under the blanket that Mom/Dad had them under it was a disaster. Within 2 years both were pregnant and were drunks/addicts. Please do not take any offence to what I have said......