72 duster Build progress

sorry for not having much updates guys.....haven't done a hole lot.

I did pick up a new electric D/A sander though because for one my compressor is too weak to run an air D/A and 2....even if it had enough juice to run one I don't want to listen to my damn compressor running all the time LOL.

also picked up a box of sand paper from the local paint supply store and also picked up some new evercoat light weight filler because I am sick of bondo's sticky residue clogging up and wasting my sand paper.

I have the quarter pretty CLOSE to being smoothed out....got to do a quick swipe with some filler and do some final sanding on it.

but I will save that for later as I think I am going to install the other quarter panel first so I can get it done and out of the way and I can focus just on the body work.

I backed the duster out in the drive way and rinsed it off today and noticed I had a leak coming in from somewhere I I left a message with the guy who installed my windshield so i can see what he wants to do about that so I don't have a leak springing on my new interior.

the duster was running a little poor today for some reason, not sure if its the weather or if I picked up a little rust from my tank and its building up in my fuel filter or what the deal is but I took the duster in the road for a quick little burn out and when I pinned the gas it kind of bogged for a second before it started picking up rpm.....normally you punch the gas and it turns on RIGHT NOW.

oh well, little tweaking here and there nad checking things out I guess.

I just hate the feeling that things are going in reverse when I am trying to get the project moving forward....a little discouraging ....but atleast none of it is "major" so none of it should be to big of a deal.

Ill be starting on the other quarter panel this week some time so keep your eyes on the thread as I will be posting updates!