Another Aussie

G'day fellas
Hows things
Yep you guest it another Aussie on your forum
Same as the others mostly what I can learn for free and possibly help/hints on restoring/rebuilding my 63 Safari Wagon
Its a Canadian Build with the horizontal tailights and different sized side windows

OK now thats out of the way
I live in Sydney Australia I'm 45, 3 kids 2 grandkids
Married near 25 years
I've always owned Chrylsers of some type since I could drive
Mostly Aussie built
Previous was a 1973 VJ Valiant Charger owned this for over 12 years
sold it 3 years ago and still have regrets
Currently also own a 2004 PT Cruiser which I've owned for the last 4 and half years

Pics will be posted soon of some of my previous and current cars
firstly my recent aquisition my Wagon

I have had several non Chryslers
A HJ Holden Panelvan 1976

The Charger just before she was sold

I have more but don't want to bore you too much at the start