KZilla!!!!! Vid and Walkaround

Sure does sound good. Great modifications. Slick and clean. Nice vid Sir..

Thanks Rice Nuker!

Good morning Colorado :hello2:
The build went well :-k:-k:-\":shaking2: PERFECT :thumbrig::occasion:
You sure have dun a great job building KZilla and made some great update mods :thumbup:
It sure sounds zoomie bro, I bet it will hall !!
You did a great walk around and well thought out, I would have been stumbling over my words :wink:
Not Show Quality my rear!!!:argue:=D> That is a great peace of history you have brought back to life
Let me see :-k QuadZilla= 4X4 Ramcharger and KZilla, and soon to have an AZilla mopar :thumbup:

This video went great with my morning coffee Joe, Enjoy that beast today for me :icon_smi:

Thanks Mike! I've got to get Leanna's special touch on a few parts, paint the frame and get a new exhaust to get it show quality. It's close, but not there yet. :) BTW, I think I said "uh" about 25 times, lol.

Nice looking bike! It has a real good sound at idle. I bet it sounds great at full throttle:evil2:

Thanks catsncudas! It accelerates so hard it pushes the tank off the grommets and in to the seat. I'm going to have to make some kind of steel cable retention strap.

Hey Ram, you´ve done a great job with the Kawasaki, love it. Makes me want to buy one, :thumbup:

Thank you swedefish! It's not quite where it needs to be yet, but it's getting there.

Great work Joe, makes me wish I didnt sell my 750!!

Thanks 4spdragtop! These bikes are still out there....