Help Me Plan Out the New & Improved Shop

Just few thought from an old man. Before you locate anything in the new shop do as has been sugeested and list what you did not like about the existing. Next, analyze how you want your work to flow through the area; how do you handle the large pieces versus the smaller ones, how do you "store" items in progress and when they come out of the ovens. At the same time look at where your expansion plans will tie into the new building and try to design your work flow to incorporate the expansion. And has already been suggested make sure every thing that needs to be used in a part of the process is readily avialable. If the same items need to be used in several steps of the process try to centalize them so you don't have to buy unncessary duplicates. Do all this on graph paper to approximate the relationships between "process stations". When you think you have what you want get some sidewalk chalk, several colors, and draw it on the floor using different colors for different systems, routes, areas etc. that way if you want to change things the toe of your shoe makes a great eraser. You have enough support and good will from everyone to make this a real winner. Remember that inquiring minds need to know.