Free German Shepherd

Sorry you had to see the side of FABO THAT SUCKS and yes it IS being more common place here.
I was raised by a German Shepherd from age 12 to 25.
Presently I have have a half Austrian Shepherd/Pointer that lost his mom 3 years ago at 13yr and his sister last year at 12 yr old.Reaux is 13 yr old.
I do believe it is hard for a dog to accept a new owner and location but it is an easier transition with loving environment.
If you can not find a great place for Raider in Florida,Let me know.
I will take care of him for the rest of his life.
Of course if you were to complete your service or were able to take him back,he would always be welcome to his original master and no one else.
I live south of Austin and if you want to check out plane fare to Austin,TX.
Do so and PM me.
I ain't rich but he will never go hungry and he will live his life happy.
Martin F. Gorchs
